Bali Thatch and African Thatch available in Perth

DIY - African Hut
The African DIY kits have timber rafters with a Galvanised Steel ring. The DIY kits are specially designed for easy installation by the handy man. The DIY African Huts come in standard sizes or we can make it to the size that fits your backyard best. The standard sizes are:
2,8m African Umbrella
African Round Hut 3.3m , 3.8m, 4.4m, 4.8m
African Square Hut 2.5m, 3.3m, 3.8m
African Oval Hut 3.3m , 3.8m, 4.4m, 4.8m

Custom - African Hut
Custom made African Huts are made according to the size you want and that fits your back yard best. We install the custom made hut, or we can make it up into a DIY kit form.
All structures comply with Australian Building Standards and is Engineers approved.

DIY - Bali Hut
The DIY Bali Huts structure are all timber. The DIY kits are specially designed for easy installation by the handy man. The DIY Bali Huts are made to the size that fits your backyard best.
We provide an comprehensive instruction sheet that makes installation simple for the handy man.

Custom build Bali Hut
Custom made Bali Huts are made according to the size you want and that fits your back yard best. We install the custom made hut, or we can make it up into a DIY kit form.
All structures comply with Australian Building Standards and is Engineers approved.

African Cape Reed Tile
The African Cape Reed Tiles are 800mm x 450mm with clips
The tiles are designed and manufactured for easy installation.
“Cool Thatch” imports the African Cape Reed Tiles from Africa and therfor provideĀ the best quality and best prices.

African Cape Reed Corner
The African Cape Reed Corners are used to go on the hips.

African Cape Reed Top Cone
The African Top Cone are used at the top of the hut.

African Combination Tile
The top half of the Combination tile synthetic and the bottom half is natural African Cape Reed Thatch.
This is ideal to keep the colour from fading

Bali Thatch(Alang Alang)
“Cool Thatch” imports the Bali Thatch from indonesia and therefor provide the premium quality thatch at the best price.
The Bali Thatch come in 2.8m lengths and the width is approximatly 800mm to 900mm

Bali Thatch-Hip Bundles.
Bali Thatch-Hip Bundles.

Terracotta Crown
Terracotta Crown for Bali Hut

Fibre Palm
Fibre Palm is a synthetic product with a Bali Thatch look.
Size is 800mm Long x 600mm Wide
It has clips that clip onto a 6mm steel, this makes installation so easy.

Jati-Bamboo Screening
Jati-Bamboo Screening.
Rolls are 2.4m and height is 1.8m,2.2m and 2.4m

Thatch Pro
- Thatch Pro is designed to rejuvenate and preserve the Thatch.
- It is water based, quick drying and long lasting.
- Prolonging the life of the thatch by 3-4 years.
- It is a superior, natural protective finish